Browse Items (3209 total)

Letter to Faustina Flores from Timoteo about him sending 200 dollars.

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Notification to braceros about use and procedures of MICA cards.

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Alien Laborer's Identification card, front and back, for Timoteo Flores.

Used envelops between Timoteo and Faustina Flores.

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Recommendation letter from the president of the Municipality of Tapalpa, Jalisco in 1957.

Receipt for postage/package from Timoteo Flores to Faustina Flores.

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Card of recognition and MICA for Alberto Montes Gonzalez.

Card of appreciation and recognition for Alberto Montes Gonzalez for his contribution to the bracero program. 1953.

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Military Service Identification Card for Aurelio Marin Luna, April 15, 1961 for Phoenix, AZ.

Military Service Identification card with rules and regulations for Aurelio Marin Luna, issued November 15, 1959.

Military Service identification card for Aurelio Marin Luna.

Military Service identification card for Aurelio Marin Luna, completed 1960.

Photograph of Aurelio Marin Luna for/from an identification card from Empalme, Sonora in 1960.

Alien Laborer's Identification card for Jesus Rivera Lopez.

Alien Laborer's Identification card for Jesus Rivera Lopez.

Identification card for Antonio Rivera Lopez.

Mexican emigrant workers identification card, 1953

Identification card, MICA for Felicino Marin issued 1957 in Calexico, CA.

Identification card or MICA for Feliciano Marin, issued in 1957.

Identification card and bracero pre-selection card for Juan Loza. May 23, 1963.

Instructivo back side.jpg
Instruction book and travel guide for braceros, back side.

Instructivo p.32.jpg
Instruction book and travel guide for braceros, page 32 - blank page.

Instructivo p.30-31.jpg
Instruction book and travel guide for braceros, pages 30 and 31. Workers rights - last page.

Instructivo p.28-29.jpg
Instruction book and travel guide for braceros, pages 28 and 29. Workers rights regarding pay.

Instructivo p.26-27.jpg
Instruction book and travel guide for braceros.
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