Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Andy Imutan was born on March 8, 1926, in Manila, Philippines; he came to the United States with his wife in 1965; her parents petitioned for her to come to the United States; Andy and his wife came to Los…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Dolores Huerta was born in Dawson, New México, but she was raised in Stockton, California; her father was a migrant worker, and she often accompanied him when she was young; later, she and her brothers also…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: David F. Herrera was born in 1925, and soon after, his family moved to Mesquite, New Mexico; he went through two years of college at New Mexico Statue University, where he focused on civil engineering; shortly…
Group of cotton pickers in Arkansas posing for photograph. HCC is pictured on the second row, second from left, no hat. OR eight person from the left side of the photograph OR fourth person from right side of the photograph.