Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Primitivo Bustamante was born on June 10, 1952, in Coahuila, Mexico; he had four brothers and four sisters; his father worked as a bracero during the late fifties in California, New Mexico, and Texas; despite…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Raúl Canela was born on June 19, 1940, in Emiliano Zapata, Michoacán, México; he received formal education and finished secondary schooling; at age fourteen, he began working in agriculture; at age twenty-two,…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Raúl Enríquez González was born in Julimes, Chihuahua, México, in 1927; he worked in construction until he came to the United States under the bracero program; he had a wife and children at the time. …
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Rafael Cortez was born in Techaluta [de Montenegro], Jalisco, México; some of his family members, including uncles and cousins, came to the United States under the bracero program; Rafael longed to come to the…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Rafael Covarrubias was born in Tlaltenango [de Sánchez Román], Zacatecas, México; he was the youngest of his two sisters and four brothers; his parents owned a small ranch, where they worked the land; when he…
Employee's trip pass from the New York Central railroad for Catarino Casillas Rodriguez, good from Sept. 14, 1944 thru Nov. 1944, from Detroit, Mich to Wauseon, Ohio.