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Oral Histories
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A bracero talks to an official during processing in the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero talks to a nurse in the clinical practice of Dr. Stanley Savoy in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero takes a paper out of a box at the Gondo labor Camp near Watsonville, California.
A bracero takes a paper out of a box at the Gondo labor Camp near Watsonville, California.
A bracero takes a paper out of a box at the Gondo labor Camp near Watsonville, California.
A bracero takes a break from working and drinks water out of a tin cup on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero takes a break from working and drinks water out of a tin cup on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero stoops down to pick pepper in a field in California.
A bracero stoops down to pick pepper in a field in California.
A bracero stoops down to pick pepper in a field in California.
A bracero stoops down to pick pepper in a Californian field.
A bracero stoops down to pick pepper in a Californian field.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to loosen the soil with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero stoops down to do field work in a field in California.
A bracero stoops down to do field work in a Californian field.
A bracero stoops down to cut the lettuce in a Californian field.
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