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Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: José Baltazar Sánchez was born in San Miguel Epeja, Michoacán, México, on April 8, 1926; his parents worked in agriculture and masonry; he had twelve siblings; at age 13, he left home and worked throughout…

Image of women and children standing around a table with crafts. Woman standing at left (to right of child) Esther Marin (Mrs. Lerma's sister) helped her start the crafts project as part of the HELP Program.

Two similar photos from a photo album of Consuelo Lerma's sewing class in HELP (Home Education Livelihood Program).

Image of photo page album. Top photo: Consuelo Lerma at the Singer store in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Bottom picture: Some farmer's wives, including bracero's wives, making arts and crafts in HELP (Home Education Livelihood Program).

Photo of Cirino Flores Perez picking oranges in Santa Paula, California in 1953.

Anaheim, California, 1953  (3rd from left to right).jpg
Photo of Cirino Flores Perez with friends in Anaheim, California, 1953 (pictured third from left to right).

Mexican military ID with three dated stamps on 1961, 1963, and 1965.

Mexican military ID showing regiment number, conduct performance, and signed by two individuals at bottom. The right page is empty.

Mexican military ID showing articles 163 and 164 on the left page. The right page includes a stamp and signature.

Mexican military ID of Cipreano Moreno Sandoval with his personal information, photo, and thumb print.

Mexican military ID of Cipreano Moreno Sandoval dated March 17, 1960.

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Refugio Hernández was raised by his uncle, Loreto Hernández, who was born in Los Angeles, California; Refugio’s other uncle, Crescencio Alpidio Hernández Delgado, who was Loreto’s brother, was born in San Jose,…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Filomeno Burciaga was born on October 1, 1930, in Namiquipa, Chihuahua, México; he was the youngest of his four siblings, and he was formally educated through the fourth grade; when he was eleven years old, he…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Manuel Leal Altamirano was born on March 9, 1922, in Aldama, Chihuahua, México; he has four sisters and five brothers; when he was seven years old, his mother died; as a child, he helped his father care for the…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Manuel Ramírez was born on September 20, 1945, in Villa Matamoros, Chihuahua, México; he has eleven brothers and sisters; his father, Adolfo Ramírez Bañuelos, enlisted in the bracero program in 1946; as a…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Jesús Martínez was born on April 7, 1932, in Rincón de Romos, Aguascalientes, México; as a child, he helped his family with the farming duties, which took precedence over attending school; when he was twelve…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Bárbaro Chacón Delgado was born in San José de Carreras, Chihuahua, México, in 1923; his father was a farmer; in 1946, he became a bracero; he was hired by a food processing company in Michigan; in 1947, he was…
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