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A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is vaccinated while others wait in line at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
A bracero is auscultated by a doctor in his clinical practice in the Salinas Valley, California.
A bracero hoes a row with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero hoes a row with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero hoes a row with a short-handled hoe in a pepper field in California.
A bracero hoes a row in a pepper field near Salinas, California.
A bracero hoes a row in a pepper field near Salinas, California.
A bracero hoes a row in a pepper field in California.
A bracero hoes a row in a field in California.
A bracero helps another braceros getting water out of a vat on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero has lunch while sitting on the edge of a field in California.
A bracero has a shower in a substandard bathroom in a Californian camp.
A bracero has a shower in a substandard bathroom in a Californian camp.
A bracero has a shower at a camp in California.
A bracero has a rest on his bed in a living quarter of a Californian camp and looks to the window.
A bracero has a rest on his bed in a living quarter of a Californian camp and looks to the window.
A bracero gives a document to an official during processing at the Monterrey Processing Center, Mexico.
Oftentimes, braceros were forced to show their hands to prove that they were experienced farmers. Inspectors would check to see how callused their hands were; according to them, the more callused the hands, the more experienced the farmer.
A bracero gets a drink while carrying his food in a dining hall in a Californian camp.
A bracero gets a drink of water in a bathroom of a Californian camp.
A bracero gets a drink of water in a bathroom of a Californian camp.
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