Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Ramón Flores González was born in Juquillo, Jaliso México, on July 10, 1935; he grew up in an agricultural family with four brothers and two sisters; from age five he worked in agriculture; he joined the bracero…
Employee's trip pass from the New York Central railroad for Catarino Casillas Rodriguez, good from Sept. 14, 1944 thru Nov. 1944, from Detroit, Mich to Wauseon, Ohio.
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Rafael Covarrubias was born in Tlaltenango [de Sánchez Román], Zacatecas, México; he was the youngest of his two sisters and four brothers; his parents owned a small ranch, where they worked the land; when he…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Rafael Cortez was born in Techaluta [de Montenegro], Jalisco, México; some of his family members, including uncles and cousins, came to the United States under the bracero program; Rafael longed to come to the…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Raúl Enríquez González was born in Julimes, Chihuahua, México, in 1927; he worked in construction until he came to the United States under the bracero program; he had a wife and children at the time. …
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Raúl Canela was born on June 19, 1940, in Emiliano Zapata, Michoacán, México; he received formal education and finished secondary schooling; at age fourteen, he began working in agriculture; at age twenty-two,…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Primitivo Bustamante was born on June 10, 1952, in Coahuila, Mexico; he had four brothers and four sisters; his father worked as a bracero during the late fifties in California, New Mexico, and Texas; despite…