Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Dolores Huerta was born in Dawson, New México, but she was raised in Stockton, California; her father was a migrant worker, and she often accompanied him when she was young; later, she and her brothers also…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Andy Imutan was born on March 8, 1926, in Manila, Philippines; he came to the United States with his wife in 1965; her parents petitioned for her to come to the United States; Andy and his wife came to Los…
Image of three pay stubs from the Snohomish Farm Labor Committee, through the E.E. Harden Packing Company and the Monterey County Trust and Savings Bank for work in Washington State.
Work contract written in Spanish and issued by the Secretary of Labor for the United States. it was issued to J.C. Quezada Morales on November 28, 1952. It is signed by the Secretary of Labor and includes a fingerprint from J.C. Quezada Morales.