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Alien Laborer's Identification Card (MICA) for Alberto Magallon.

Alien Laborer's Identification Card (MICA) for Alberto Magallon. Issued on 6/23/55 in Calexico, CA.

Interior of a passport for Alberto Magallon with image of wife, Maria Isabel Ruelas, and children.

Interior of passport for Alberto Magallon.

Photo of Alberto Miguel Marcial in suit.

Photo of bracero's family. Alberto Miguel Marcial's collection.

Photo of bracero in suit. Alberto Miguel Marcial collection.

Photo of bracero wedding. Alberto Miguel Marcial collection.

Photo of bracero at leisure with friend. Both have bottles in hand.

Card of appreciation and recognition for Alberto Montes Gonzalez for his contribution to the bracero program. 1953.

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Card of recognition and MICA for Alberto Montes Gonzalez.

This application is Alejandro Salas Arredondo's application for back wages owed to him.

This application is Alejandro Salas Arredondo's application for back wages owed to him.

This is the written birth certificate of Alejandro Salas Arrendondo from his home state of Durango, Mexico. It states that he was born April 24, 1935.

This is the written birth certificate of Alejandro Salas Arrendondo from his home state of Durango, Mexico. It states that he was born April 24, 1935.

Bracero ID Card of Alejo Lopez Silva (Frontside).

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Bracero ID Card of Alejo Lopez Silva (backside).

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Photograph (presumably of Alma Delia Fraile Barocio)

Photograph (presumably of Alma Delia Fraile Barozi)

Los estudiantes discutirán sus conocimientos sobre el tema de inmigración, aprenderán acerca del Programa Bracero y usaran fotografías para desarrollar un mayor entendimiento de dicho programa.
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