Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Bernard Lipsey was born in October of 1945; he was born in a hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, but he was raised in Lepanto, Arkansas; his parents opened a grocery store in 1948; during the fifties, eighty percent…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: José Esequiel Adame was born on January 5, 1940, in Ocampo, Durango, México, but he was raised in Delicias, Chihuahua, México; he was the third born of his four sisters and three brothers; as a child, he…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Francisco Gallardo González was born January 1, 1933, in Atil, Sonora, México; he was the first born of his six siblings; his father was a bricklayer, and he also worked his own land, planting corn, cotton and…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Manuel Ortiz Orozco was born June 17, 1927, on a ranch in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, México; he was the youngest of his five siblings; his father worked his own land planting beans, corn and wheat; by the time Manuel…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Jorge Ortiz Márquez was born in July of 1931, in Colonia San Diego, in the municipality of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, México; he had four sisters and two brothers; when he was five years old, the family moved to…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Antonio V. Pérez Herrera was born December 27, 1942, in Zináparo, Michoacán, México; he had four brothers and three sisters; his mother was a housewife, and his father was a campesino on an ejido; Antonio later…