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Front of Vincente Luna-Ayon's Mica card, issued in Calexico, California on April 5, 1956.


Front of Jesus Bautista Rodriguez's Alien Laborer's Identification card (MICA) issued in 1956.


Front of Alien Laborer's Identification card (MICA) from Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez, 1956

Back of Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez's Alien Laborer Identification card (MICA), 1956

Front of Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez's Alien Laborer Identification card (MICA), 1956

Rocket Wheel Industries identification card of Roberto Garcia-Sanchez, Los Angeles, CA

Alien Laborer's Identification card for Jose Hernandez Romero issues in 8/22/55 in Calexico, CA.

Alien Laborer's Identification Card for Jose Hernandez Romero. With the number "09".

Alien Laborer's Identification Card, back, for Jose Hernandez Romero. Issued on 11-15-57 in Calexico, CA.

Alien Laborer's Identification Card (MICA) for Alberto Magallon.

Alien Laborer's Identification Card (MICA) for Alberto Magallon. Issued on 6/23/55 in Calexico, CA.

Interior of a passport for Alberto Magallon with image of wife, Maria Isabel Ruelas, and children.

Interior of passport for Alberto Magallon.
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