Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Bob Porter was born in Roscoe, Texas, in 1929; a year later, his family moved to the Las Cruces, New Mexico area, and later they moved again to Hatch, New Mexico, which is where he grew up; in 1954, upon…
Bríjido Zaragoza Solís was born October 8, 1925, in Hidalgo, México; his parents were field workers, and he had five siblings; although he was never formally educated, his father taught him how to work in the fields and care for animals; in 1955, he…
"El Diario" article about Mr. Jose Ramirez Delgado's exprience as a bracero. "El Diario" printed the article on Monday, Jan. 26, 2004 in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.