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This image is of a group of braceros in front of the Harden Camp in 1946. Ismael Nicolas Osorio is the fifth man (left to right) in the third row.


This image is of a group of braceros in front of the Harden Camp in 1946. Ismael Nicolas Osorio is the third man (left to right) in the front row.


Pay stub or receipt from the Snohomish Farm Labor Committee, Inc. from 2 Nov thru 11 Nov. 1945 for a gross pay of 24.46.

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Continuation standard work contract for Ismael Nicholas Osorio from 1956 (?) for work in Salinas, CA.

Back page of contract indicating wage and pay rates for work in Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Santa Clara. In Spanish and English.

Image of three pay stubs from the Snohomish Farm Labor Committee, through the E.E. Harden Packing Company and the Monterey County Trust and Savings Bank for work in Washington State.

Pay stubs for Ismael Nicholas Osorio for work paid by E.E. Harden Packing Company, Salinas, CA for work between Dec. 15, 1945 to Jan. 31, 1946.

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Jul28_12 copy.jpg
Lydia Torres issued this letter in regards to Ismael Nicolas Osorio's work for the E.E. Harden Packing Co. from Dec. 1945 to 1956.

Military Service identification card for Nicolas Saldana Sandoval, issued January 1955.


Military Service identification card for Nicolas Saldana Sandoval, issued January 1955.

Nicolas Saldana Sandoval standing in front of an Oregon pear tree on October 7, 1957.

Nicolas Saldana Sandoval acknowledges that this is a "Souvenir from when I was a bracero" 10/7/1957.

Contract for G.C.Quiroz to work in June-July of 1955. There's a large "Employment Terminated" stamped on it signed by Paz.

Paycheck Stub for Guadalupe Cano Quiroz for August 1961 from the Santa Barbara Labor Association

Image of Farm Labor Contract for Guadalupe Cano Quiroz and the San Joaquin Farm Production Association signed May 12, 1960

Letter on behalf of Guadalupe Cano Quiroz to Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles signed August 4, 1961

Front side of Bracero ID Card for Gregorio Corrales Rojas by MICA

Gregorio Corrales Rojas' Backside of ID Card with his Mexican Address and Date of Birth. MICA.

No-Criminal or Legal Records Certificate Issued by Mexico, D.F. Polilce Deparment (FRONT SIDE-UPPER).

Foto en Pecos TX, Oct 1957(right).jpg
Photograph of Heriberto Cortes-Cortes Posing with a Friend in Pecos, Texas in front of a white car. 1957. HCC pictured to the Right.

Foto en Pecos, TX, 1957 (left).jpg
Photo of Heriberto Cortes-Cortes with two friends, one holding bottle of alcohol. HCC is pictured to left. 1957.

Foto en Texas, 1957 (right).jpg
Photograph of Heriberto Cortes-Cortes with two friends posing in front of white truck. HCC pictured at right.

Backside of Heriberto Cortez-Cortez's ID Card, dated June 12, 1957, issued at El Paso, TX. MICA.

Frontside of Cortes-Cortes Bracero ID Card with Picture issued in 1957 in El Paso, Texas.

Pizca algodon Arkansas (back row, 2dn front to back -no hat-).jpg
Group of cotton pickers in Arkansas posing for photograph. HCC is pictured on the second row, second from left, no hat. OR eight person from the left side of the photograph OR fourth person from right side of the photograph.
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