Browse Items (3209 total)

Individual work agreement for railroad worker, Jose Ortiz Espino, issued 5/7/1944.

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz Espino son of Ernesto Espino.

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz issed 8/25/1983 in El Paso, TX.

Driver's license for Jose Ortiz Espino issued in El Paso, TX (1993).

This driver's license was issued to Jose Ortiz Espino in El Paso, TX (1993).

Instruction booklet for Jose Ortiz Espino issued to him 1/11/1944 in Nogales, AZ.

Front side of Luis Estrada's father's Bracero ID Card.

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Bracero ID Card Backside of Luis Estrada's father.

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The War Manpower Commission issued this war ration book to Mr. Jose Ortiz Espino on 3/10/1944 in Fresno, CA.

Mr. Jose Ortiz Espino's War Ration book from 1944 (inside).

Bracero ID Card Backside of Juan Guerrero-Nava's card.

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Mr. Jose Ortiz Espino's War Ration Book from 1944

Mr. Jose Ortiz Espino's war ration book from the War Manpower Commission in 1944.

Bracero ID Card Frontside of Juan Guerrero-Nava's card.

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Jose Ortiz Espino received this continuation of standard work contract in 1954. This is the top front half.

Standard Work Contract for Jose Ortiz Espino. This is bottom front half.

Standard Work contract for Jose Ortiz Espino. This is the top back portion of the contract.

Jose Ortiz Espino's standard work contract. This is the bottom back portion of the contract

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Photo of Margarita Flores and her father, a bracero from "Sparks" Ranch in 1948.

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Margarita Flores' father, Jesus Corella, sits in a truck with unknown man.

Photo of Jesus Corella as a bracero.


Margarita Flores in the "Sparks" Ranch around 1948.

Photo of Jesus Corella with Margarita Flores (his daughter) in the background.

Photo of Catalina Corella, Jesus Corella's wife, and her daughter, Margarita Flores, in the "Sparks" Ranch in 1948. They lived with Jesus Corella while he worked on the ranch as a bracero.

Photo of Jesus Corella with his three year old daughter, Margarita Flores, in 1948.
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