Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gonzalo Morales Urbide was born in Santa Bárbara, Chihuahua, México, in 1930; he helped his father work the fields of their hometown; his parents passed away when he was only seven years old; he and his six…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gonzalo Soto was born in San Pedro de Azafranes, Durango, México; he was the fourth of eleven siblings; at age eight, he started working in agriculture to help his father; at age seventeen, he decided to cross…
Governor of Baja CA (white suit) cutting cake for inauguration of Acapulco Gardens restaurant. Juanita & Refugio on right side of Gov with Sal and Lupe Villasenor next to mariachi , 1949
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gregorio Corrales was born in Mexico City, México; at the age of eight, he began cutting wood and sowing corn with his father; during his teenage years, he worked in construction and in factories; he joined the…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gregorio de la Cruz was born on July 7, 1938, in Santa Ana, Sonora, México; his parents were seasonal field workers, and he had four brothers and two sisters; they grew up on the ejido where their parents…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gregorio Flores was born March 12, 1932, in Tepoztlan, Morelos, México; at an early age, he helped his father with field work; he had one year of formal education; as a young man, he worked in the construction…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Gregorio Trejo was born on May 9, 1925, in Sánchez Román, Zacatecas, México; he began working with his father in the fields at a very young age and consequently never received any formal schooling; later in…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Guadalupe Balderrama was born in Santa Isabel, Chihuahua, México, in 1920; he helped his father work in the fields; he also went to school for a few years; he worked as a bracero in Texas, Montana, Nebraska, New…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Guadalupe Cano was born in Cerro Colorado, Guanajuato, México; he grew up in Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, México, and worked in agriculture with his family until the age of nineteen; he joined the bracero…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Guadalupe Estrada Estrada was born in San Francisco de Borja, Chihuahua, México, in 1934; he worked the fields of his hometown with his father for ten years; in 1952, he enrolled in the bracero program and came…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Guadalupe García was born in La Concha, Sinaloa, México; he was the second eldest of his eleven brothers and three sisters; his parents worked in agriculture and with cattle; he was formally educated through the…