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Vidal Tafoya was born April 28, 1948, on a ranch in Tarengo, [Jalisco] México; his parents were campesinos, and he had six siblings; he was formally educated through the third grade; by the time he was eleven years old, he was already working in the…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Vicente Ayala was born on July 19, 1922, in Tizapotla, Morelos, México; at a young age, he began to work in his family’s fields; he had no formal education; experienced as a field laborer, he performed work for…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Venustiano Machado was born December 30, 1931, in Sinaloa, México; he had eight siblings, six sisters, all of whom were older, and two brothers; when he was six years old, his father died; shortly thereafter, he…

Ventury county worker card for Gregorio Martinez-Reyes in 1963. Do not make public until a release form is in order.

Card from the Ventura County Citrus Growers Committee, Santa Paula, CA, certifying that Jose Hernandez Romero completed his contract work on 4 - 17 - 59

Local vendors sold food and beverages as well as hats while the braceros had to wait either to enter the Monterrey Processing Center or to be processed inside.

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Vance E. Beasley was born on March 11, 1916, in Heber Springs, Arkansas; in 1927, his family moved to Heth, Arkansas; he was the third eldest of his six siblings, four brothers and two sisters; with the…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Valentín Murillo was born in 1932, on a ranch in Michoacán, México; his parents worked on an ejido, and he had five siblings; he was formally educated through the third grade; as a young boy, he helped his…

The U.S. Public Health Service gave Asterio Lopez Leon this smallpox vaccination certificate at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Víctor Martínez was born on July 28, 1934, in Tlaquiltenango, Morelos, México; as a child, he worked with his family harvesting corn, peanuts, and rice; he stopped attending school at an early age due to the ill…

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz Espino son of Ernesto Espino.

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz issed 8/25/1983 in El Paso, TX.

Cecilia Concha's U.S. Citizenship Identification Card issued July of 1935

The back of Maria Luz Concha Armendariz's U.S. Citizen identification card.
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