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As part of the process of becoming a bracero identification pictures had to be taken from the men. That was part of the process at the Hidalgo Processing Center, Texas. As the photograph shows, they look on the photographs, which are already done.

At the Monterrey Processing Center, braceros line up to board the buses. The side of the buses read "Transportes Monterrey Saltillo S.A. de C.V.". These buses from Mexico will transport braceros to another processing center near the U.S.-Mexico…

View from the top of a truck filled with boxes of Farm Fresh Lettuce in the Salinas Valley, California.

On a Texas farm, 200 braceros, stacked like drygoods, share a long, shed-like building with double-deck canvas beds. Besides from their close living conditions they prepared food by themselves. As they were used to it and it was affordable with even…

On a Texas farm, 200 braceros, stacked like drygoods, share a long, shed-like building with double-deck canvas beds. Besides from their close living conditions they prepared food by themselves. As they were used to it and it was affordable with even…
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