This copy of the continuation of the standard work contract shows the general terms of agreements such as lodging and insurance in both English and Spanish.
This is Manuel de Jesus Roman Gaxiola's standard work contract. This page states the general information for Mr. Roman Gaxiola's contract including the fact that his wife is his dependent. He received this contract in 1957. He worked all over…
This is Manuel de Jesus Roman Gaxiola's standard work contract. This page states the general information for Mr. Roman Gaxiola's contract including the fact that his wife is his dependent. He received this contract in 1957. He worked all over…
Article 7 of the work contract explains the terms of the bracero's transportation. In it, it states that employers should transport their braceros free of charge, along with food, lodgings, and other necessary expenses. These provisions should be…
This side of the continuation of standard work contract has the signature of Manuel de Jesus Roman Gaxiola agreeing to the terms and conditions of said contract.
This is Manuel de Jesus Roman Gaxiola's standard work contract. This page states the general information for Mr. Roman Gaxiola's contract including the fact that his mother is his dependent. He received this contract in 1954.
Interior of Mexican Passport--these pages describe Mr. Pedro Rivera Duran's physical features, his birth date and place, occupation, and marital status.
This Mexican passport was issued to Pedro Rivera Duran on June 10, 1960 in San Diego, California. According to page 3, this passport is only valid for entrance in the United States of America.
The text is from the back of Pedro Rivera Duran's birth certificate. It states that the Registrar verifies that everything on the birth certificate is true.