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This letter is from Federico Navarro to Mexican Consul in Los Angeles. In it, he solicits that the Consulate be aware that Mr. Baldomero Capiz is not a representative of the bracero community within California or the United States. He goes on to…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Liborio Santiago was born on June 23, 1924, in Etla, Oaxaca, México; he was the oldest of three brothers; at age of twelve, he became an orphan, and was adopted by an aunt; there, he was forced to work in the…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Herminio Estrada Tozcano was born on a ranch in Saloya, Jalisco, México; he was the second born, of his two sisters; his father died in the revolution when he was roughly three or four years old; he started…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Librado Briceño Domínguez was born in 1936, on a ranch named Los Orgunos, in Manuel Doblado, Guanajuato, Mexico; his father, Librado Briceño, died before he was born; his mother, Rosa Domínguez, worked to care…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lily Gutierrez was born in El Paso, Texas, on October 5, 1935; her father was a professional butcher who owned several grocery stores, and her mother was a homemaker; she had four brothers and two sisters; after…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Mr. Ernesto Espino and Mrs. Linda Espino are a married couple; Ernesto’s father, José Ortiz Espino, was a bracero from 1944 to roughly 1954; as a bracero, José worked in Arizona, California, Colorado, and…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lorenzo González was born in 1925, in the state of Jalisco, México; he grew up financially secure, and neither he nor his family were ever in need of anything; when he was young, he wanted something to do, so he…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lorenzo Maynes was born on August 10, 1924, in Clint, Texas; he grew up on a ranch where his father was the foreman, and he consequently learned the agricultural trade from his father; eventually, he himself…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lorenzo Perla was born in Concheño, which is in the municipality of Ocampo, Chihuahua, México; his father died a few months before he was born, and his mother died when he was only six months old; consequently,…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Loreto Martínez was born on July 7, 1932, in Cuencamé, Durango, México; he was the fifth of nine brothers; to help his father, he started working in agriculture at the age of thirteen; he worked in construction…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lucas Benítez was born on October 18, 1918; his dad worked in the mines, and his mother often sold goods from a makeshift stand; he often helped his parents with their small family business; growing up, he and…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Luís Marín was born on August 25, 1918, in Rivas Palacios, Chihuahua, México; he had five siblings, two sisters and two brothers; his parents worked in agriculture; he became a bracero in 1942 and worked in New…

Luis Estrada E. was born in 1953; he was the third born of his seven siblings; the year after he was born, his father, Miguel, enlisted in the bracero program; while he was gone, the family stayed in Michoacán, México; years later, Luis married and…
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