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The War Manpower Commission issued this war ration book to Mr. Jose Ortiz Espino on 3/10/1944 in Fresno, CA.

Bracero ID Card Backside of Luis Estrada's father.

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Front side of Luis Estrada's father's Bracero ID Card.

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Instruction booklet for Jose Ortiz Espino issued to him 1/11/1944 in Nogales, AZ.

This driver's license was issued to Jose Ortiz Espino in El Paso, TX (1993).

Driver's license for Jose Ortiz Espino issued in El Paso, TX (1993).

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz issed 8/25/1983 in El Paso, TX.

US citizen identification card for Jose Ortiz Espino son of Ernesto Espino.

Individual work agreement for railroad worker, Jose Ortiz Espino, issued 5/7/1944.

This individual work agreement was for Jose Ortiz Espino to work on the railroad.

Alien laborer's identification card of Luis Estrada's father. It shows information about the organization. Written on bottom in blue ink are the numbers 815216. MICA.

This is a photograph of railroad bracero Jose Ortiz Espino taken 5/7/1944.

Alien laborer's identification card of Luis Estrada's father. Printed by the Alliance of National Workers of Mexico in the United States.

Alien laborer's identification card of Isaura Covarrubias' father dated 9/19/56. MICA.

Alien laborer's identification card of Isaura Covarrubias' father showing front side with photograph.

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covarrubias, fortino betabel field 1959 picture.jpg
Photograph of Fortino Covarrubias in Crop Field

Alien laborer's identification card of Juan Contreras

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This photograph of Mr. Eduardo de Santiago in a cotton field in Nov. 1957.

El Paso Times wrote an article about the bracero program and Mr. de Santiago on Friday, Jan 14. 2005.

Alien laborer's identification card of Miguel Zavala Lopez with photogrpah. MICA.

Alien laborer's identification card of Miguel Zavala Lopez dated 12 Sep 56. MICA.

Continuation of standard work contract of Miguel Zavala Lopez signed on May 10, 1957 with the Watsonville Growers Association.

Continuation of standard work contract of Miguel Zavala Lopez showing backside with pay rates per crop.

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This is a photograph of Mr. Eduardo de Santiago in a field in 1957.

Continuation of standard work contract for Miguel Zavala Lopez signed on March 22, 1956 with the California Packing Corporation.
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