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Newspaper Article
This article clipping is the continuation of another clipping. The article refers to the fact that ex-braceros from San Luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora were not counted in the negotiations for back wages. It was published February 7, 2006.
Newspaper Article
This article clipping states that ex-braceros from San Luis, Rio Colorado, Sonora were not included in the negotiations for their back wages. This article was published in La Cronica on February 7, 2006 in Mexicali, Baja California.
Newspaper Article
This article clipping states that Mexican officials have decided to give ex-braceros 100,000 pesos and not 38,000 as originally stated. The article was printed in "La Voz de la Frontera" on April 28, 2006.
Newspaper Article
The photo's caption states that members of the organization, Alianza Bracero Proa, once again, gather in protest at Government Center. They are fighting for the money that was taken from their salary in the United States. The United States government…
Newspaper Article
This article clipping is about a protest Alianza Bracero Proa held in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. The article was published on April 22, 2006.
Newspaper Article
This article clipping explains that even though a year has passed since the ex-braceros began to organize, there has been no movement forward for them to receive any compensation. It also states that braceros from Puebla remember the Battle of Puebla…
Newspaper Article
This newspaper clipping states that braceros did not wish many government officials a Merry Christmas. They are disappointed with the fact that Mexican federal government only offered the braceros 38,000 pesos in compensation for back wages. They say…
Tags: 000 pesos, 10%, 100, 2005, 38, back wages, Baja California, Mexicali, Mexico, newspaper article, protests, Quintero
Newspaper Article
This newspaper clipping is of ex-braceros marching down the streets of Mexicali asking to receive $100,000 per capita because of back wages.
Missing documentation form
Federico Navarro Duran received this missing documentation in Mexicali, Baja California in 2006 because he was missing some documents for his request of his 10%.
Tags: 2006, Baja California, Duran, Mexicali, missing documents, Navarro
Alien laborer's identification card (back)
This is the back of the alien laborer's identification card. It has the general information for Manuel Montes Robles. It states that it was issued to him on July 20, 1959 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
Mexican agricultural laborer's identification card (back)
Manuel Montes Robles' Mexican Agricultural Laborer's identification card was issued to him on June 21, 1948. It notes general information about him.
Mexican agricultural laborer's identification card
Manuel Montes Robles' Mexican Agricultural Laborer's identification card was issued to him on June 21, 1948. It notes general information about him.
Testimony letter
This notarized letter acknowledges the fact that Faustino Martinez worked as a bracero from 1957 to 1962. Two people signed as witnesses that he worked in both Imperial and San Joaquin Valley.
Registration Form
This is a general registration form from the Mexican government to Faustino Martinez.
Tags: 10%, Baja California, documents, Martinez, Mexicali
Missing documentation form
Faustino Martinez received this missing documentation in Mexicali, Baja California in 2006 because he was missing some documents for his request of his 10%.
Tags: 10%, Baja California, documents, Martinez, Mexicali
Burial certificate (back)
Burial certificate (backside) for Jose Guadalupe Santacruz Rangel stamped March 9, 1993.
Tags: 1993, Baja California, certificate, death, Mexicali, santacruz
Burial Certificate
Burial Certificate for Jose Guadalupe Santacruz Rangel in Mexicali, Baja California.
Tags: 1993, Baja California, bracero, burial, certificate, Mexicali, santacruz
Certificate of good conduct
Certificate of good conduct for J. Guadalupe Santacruz Rangel by the municipal court judge validating that he does not have a criminal record.
Tags: Baja California, certificiate, conduct, good, Mexicali, santacruz
Registration Form
This portion of a registration form was filled for Luis Figueroa Encinas with the help of Jesus M. Calles. In it, he outlines his personal information as well as the information of his children. It was filled out September 16, 2003.
Tags: 2003, Baja California, children, Encinas, figueroa, Mexicali, registration