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truck on road.jpg
Image of truck loaded with boxes and crates.


Los estudiantes examinarán una historia oral relacionada al programa de trabajadores bracero y presentarán su investigación en un mapa.

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Tomás Zapata Castañeda was born in Ejido el Faro, Chihuahua, México in 1937; although he did help his father in the fields, he also went to school; in 1956, he was hired as a bracero at the age on nineteen; he…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Tirso Yepes was born on January 28, 1929, in Ocampo, Guanajuato, México; he is the youngest of his three siblings; as a child he helped work the land and care for animals, which consequently left him without a…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Thomas Turrey was born on July 25, 1924, in Los Angeles, California; he did his grade school in Merced, California; in 1958, he joined the Bracero Program, and worked as a supervisor for commissary services; his…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Thom E. Beasley was born in 1949, in East Central Arkansas, between Hughes and Forrest City, Arkansas; his grandfather, father and uncle owned a farming partnership by the name of CJ Beasley and Sons; they had…
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