Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Roberto Orduño García was born in Cusihuiriachi, Chihuahua, México, in 1931; he had fifteen siblings, and his father worked in the mines; he was formally schooled for four years; when he was fourteen years old,…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Roberto Heynes was born on May 1, 1917, in Tepehuanes, Durango, México; he was the youngest of four siblings; their parents died when he was only a year old, and they were raised by their maternal relatives;…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Roberto García Sánchez was born on May 13, 1933, in El Bueyero, Mexticacán, Jalisco, México; his mother’s name was Dominga Sánchez, and his father’s name was Cruz García; Robert had eight siblings, but two of…
Roberto García Estrada was born in Tepetzingo, [Morelos] México; his father passed away when he was very young; eventually, he had to stop going to school, because the family did not have the money; instead, he began working to help support the…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Roberto Almaraz Valdivia was born in Tabasco, Zacatecas, México, but raised in Villanueva, Zacatecas; his parents worked in agriculture, and he had four sisters and three brothers; he was formally schooled…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Richard Hancock was born in Alpine, Texas, on January 19, 1926, but he grew up in New Mexico; he worked with the Foot and Mouth Commission in Jalisco, México; later, he was employed by Doña Ana County as a labor…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Reynaldo Chapa was born on July 17, 1932, in Edinburg, Texas, but he was raised in Mission, Texas; in 1951, he graduated from high school; after graduating, he enlisted in the service, and he finished his tour…