Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Asterio López León was born on October 27, 1927, in Palmar de Sepúlvedas, Sinaloa, México; he is the oldest of eleven siblings; his parents worked in agriculture, and he began working with them from an early…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Felipe Flores was born on May 1, 1954, in San Miguel de Camarena, Guanajuato, México; he is one of fourteen siblings, and the son of a bracero; he got formal schooling in México up to sixth grade, and up to…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Saúl Ponce was born on October 4, 1928, in Valle de Zaragoza, Chihuahua, México; he had four siblings, and his brother was also a bracero; from his hometown in Valle de Zaragoza, he was transported to Chihuahua,…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Juan Sánchez Abasta was born on June 3, 1917, in Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua, México; he had five brothers and three sisters; his father worked as a foreman for the railroads in México; he also worked for the…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Thom E. Beasley was born in 1949, in East Central Arkansas, between Hughes and Forrest City, Arkansas; his grandfather, father and uncle owned a farming partnership by the name of CJ Beasley and Sons; they had…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Nereo Heredia Lopez was born on May 12, 1924, in Villa Escobedo, Chihuahua, México; he was the fifth of nine brothers; his father owned livestock and a number of ranches; he learned how to work on a ranch and…