Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Pedro Benítez was born in the state of Sinaloa in México; when he was about two years old, his mother died while giving birth to his younger sister; shortly thereafter, his grandmother began to take care of him…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Rafael Covarrubias was born in Tlaltenango [de Sánchez Román], Zacatecas, México; he was the youngest of his two sisters and four brothers; his parents owned a small ranch, where they worked the land; when he…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Heriberto Rivas Lugo was born on July 4, 1935, in Arivechi, Sonora, México; he is the eldest of his five sisters and three brothers; his parents were agricultural workers; although he liked school, he was…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Jesús Rivera López was born on October 7, 1934, in Corrales, Juchitlán, Jalisco, México; he is the eldest of his five brothers; from 1942 to 1953 his father worked in the bracero program; in 1956, against his…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Nicolás Saldaña was born on a small ranch just outside of Tlaltenango, Zacatecas, México; he has three sisters and one brother; as a child he helped work the land and care for the animals; in 1957, he enlisted…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Sally Gutierrez McQuinn was born in México, and her parents came to the United States in 1920, when she was only a few months old; she was raised in Gilroy, California; in 1941, she was married; shortly…
Group of cotton pickers in Arkansas posing for photograph. HCC is pictured on the second row, second from left, no hat. OR eight person from the left side of the photograph OR fourth person from right side of the photograph.
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: David F. Herrera was born in 1925, and soon after, his family moved to Mesquite, New Mexico; he went through two years of college at New Mexico Statue University, where he focused on civil engineering; shortly…