Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Mr. Ernesto Espino and Mrs. Linda Espino are a married couple; Ernesto’s father, José Ortiz Espino, was a bracero from 1944 to roughly 1954; as a bracero, José worked in Arizona, California, Colorado, and…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Lily Gutierrez was born in El Paso, Texas, on October 5, 1935; her father was a professional butcher who owned several grocery stores, and her mother was a homemaker; she had four brothers and two sisters; after…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Librado Briceño Domínguez was born in 1936, on a ranch named Los Orgunos, in Manuel Doblado, Guanajuato, Mexico; his father, Librado Briceño, died before he was born; his mother, Rosa Domínguez, worked to care…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Herminio Estrada Tozcano was born on a ranch in Saloya, Jalisco, México; he was the second born, of his two sisters; his father died in the revolution when he was roughly three or four years old; he started…
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Liborio Santiago was born on June 23, 1924, in Etla, Oaxaca, México; he was the oldest of three brothers; at age of twelve, he became an orphan, and was adopted by an aunt; there, he was forced to work in the…
This letter is from Federico Navarro to Mexican Consul in Los Angeles. In it, he solicits that the Consulate be aware that Mr. Baldomero Capiz is not a representative of the bracero community within California or the United States. He goes on to…
Letter for temporary visit to Mexico & readmittance to U.S., dated July 19, 1948 for Nepomuceno Gonzalez. Exited through Mexicali, B.C. and returned through Calexico, California.