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Alien Laborer's Identification Card, back, for Jose Hernandez Romero. Issued on 11-15-57 in Calexico, CA.

Back of Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez's Alien Laborer Identification card (MICA), 1956

Front of Vincente Luna-Ayon's Mica card, issued in Calexico, California on April 5, 1956.


Front of Jesus Bautista Rodriguez's Alien Laborer's Identification card (MICA) issued in 1956.


Front of Alien Laborer's Identification card (MICA) from Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez, 1956

Front of Baudelio Garcia-Sanchez's Alien Laborer Identification card (MICA), 1956

Mica card or Alien Laborers Identification Card for Roberto Ordunio, 1956.

Alien Laborers Identification Card for Jose Parra,

Alien Laborers Identification Card for Tomas Zapata Castaneda, 1957

Alien Laborer's Identification Card for Jose Hernandez Romero. With the number "09".

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Miguel Arroyo Castillo was born on August 15, 1916, in Tarimoro, Guanajuato, México; he has four sisters and two brothers; as a boy, he learned how to work the land; during the early1920s, his father would come…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Miguel Jáquez was born on May 7, 1931, in Chalchihuites, Zacatecas, México; he grew up in Súchil, Durango, with his nine siblings; when he was eight years old, he began working cutting wood and planting beans…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Miguel Ortega was born in Miacatlán, Morelos, México; his father worked in sugar cane fields; at the age of twelve, he joined his father in the fields; he was in the bracero program from 1957 to 1964; he worked…

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Miguel Zavala was born on June 9, 1925, in Copandaro, Michoacan, México; at an early age, he began sowing beans, corn, garbanzos, and wheat; he joined the bracero program in 1955, and worked in California and…

Military Service identification card for Aurelio Marin Luna, completed 1960.

Military Service identification card for Aurelio Marin Luna.

Military Service Identification card with rules and regulations for Aurelio Marin Luna, issued November 15, 1959.

Military Service Identification Card for Aurelio Marin Luna, April 15, 1961 for Phoenix, AZ.

Military Service identification card for Nicolas Saldana Sandoval, issued January 1955.


Military service identification card issued to Antonio Molina Rodriguez on March 19, 1958.

This military service identification card was issued to Antonio Molina Rodriguez on March 19, 1958 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

Military service identification card issued to Antonio Molina Rodriguez on March 19, 1958.

Military Service identification card for Nicolas Saldana Sandoval, issued January 1955.

Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Minerva C. Cheatum was born in El Paso, Texas; shortly after she was born her mother died, and she was consequently raised by her maternal grandparents in Clint, Texas; while still attending high school, she…
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